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Explore Essential 
Tools and Insights in 
Sustainable Finance

Access our library of curated resources to support your learning and professional growth.

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    Creative Destruction and Moore’s Law:Lessons for a New Age of Sustainable Finance

    They both rose to fame decades ago. One was an Austrian economist; the other, an American engineer. What can Joseph Schumpeter and Gordon Moore possibly teach us about sustainable finance in the 21st century?

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    Development Return Versus Investment Return: Two Solitudes or Two Sides of the Same Coin?

    The Urban Dictionary describes a war of attrition as a situation where “forces do not confront each other in direct combat…, but instead aim to wear each other down over a period of time”.

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    From Frescoes to Finance:The Art of the Financing Proposal

    To attract capital in today’s environment, you need a clear, compelling financing proposal. With so much riding on this document, it’s startling that so many miss the mark. This article provides a simple yet effective winning formula.

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    Impact Investing Gets Personal

    Impact investing is a big deal – not just in developing and emerging markets, but throughout the Western world as well – now, more than ever before.

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    Measuring Success in Development Finance:The Case for a Development Return on Capital

    In developing and frontier markets, the lines between aid, trade, and investment are – once again – blurring.

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    What’s Next? Reimagining Blended Finance

    It’s time for an honest conversation about the elephant in the room.